Original article: https://www.laopus.com/2018/11/brazilian-recorders-at-interludes.html
Quinta Essentia, “The Interludes”, First Lutheran Church, Torrance
by David J Brown
The fact that the South Bay has several chamber music series, most of them master-minded by Jim Eninger , means that—like the weather in New England—if whatever is current is not to your taste, then just wait as something different will be along shortly.And usually that something different is really different…
I don't know about in America, but way back when I was in post-war English primary school the last resort of hopeful music-teachers faced with a class of terminally unmusical kids was to hand out an armful of treble recorders and hope for the best. As one of those kids, it was quite a few years before I reali - Leia mais...
English ● Review
Tag: turnê
Brazilian Recorders at “The Interludes”
America Tour: Review at NEIU Independent
In May and June 2016, Quinta Essentia toured over United States passing over 8 cities in 5 states. There were 7 concerts, and its members offered 8 masterclasses and a speech, also participating at the SAA Conference in Minneapolis and the Whitewater Early Music Festival.
About the concert at Northeastern Illinois University in the Jewel Box Series, Quinta Essentia received the review by the NEIU Independent, transcribed below:
Recording Bach: Quinta Essentia Jewel Box
Original article: http://neiuindependent.org/5875/arts-life/recording-bach-quinta-essentia-jewel-box/
Pablo Medina, Production Manager
May 25, 2016
I never hear enough recorder in my life. The same is most likely true for many people, even in kindergarten and music appreciation classes.
The Quinta Essentia Quartet from Brazil made that statement truer with their strong perfor - Leia mais...
English ● Review
English ● Review
Empreendedorismo e Flauta Doce
Alunos do 1º ao 5º ano do Colégio Universitário da cidade de Londrina no Paraná, incentivados pela professora de música Luciana dos Santos Schmidt e pelo projeto parceiro sobre Empreendedorismo e flauta doce, elaboraram uma entrevista para a flautista do Quinta Essentia, Renata Pereira, em homenagem ao dia da mulher.
Confira aqui no flauta doce br na íntegra as perguntas e respostas dessa entrevista.
Resultado final da entrevista no site do Colégio Universitário
Alunos: Com quantos anos você iniciou seus estudos em música?
Renata: Iniciei meus estudos musicais muito cedo, contudo, mais seriamente aos 8 anos.
A: Quem foi seu primeiro professor d - Leia mais...