When we talk about music teaching, be it about music theory or how to play an instrument such as the recorder, we often discuss the curriculum, or the program that must be taught. Is that enough to play well and awe the audience?
During the period that the music student begins his studies until he graduates, too much emphasis is placed on the curricula, but little is taught about the skills or behaviors that make the beauty of the music, touching the heart of the audience, that is, what really makes a difference in the life of a musician.
Components of musicality
Let's think about it: What makes someone a good musician? I know, it is not easy to answer this question in an objective way, and I believe that this question is not related to musical style, but rather with musical practice. When I think of a musician I admire, some things are common in - Leia mais...
Articles ● English
Tag: ensino
In my last travel to Germany, I had the pleasure to meet this great recorder player, founder member of Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet, a recorder quartet with 30 years of history, he told me about his professional background, his last projects improving the modern recorders, and something about the Loeki's backstage.
The entire interview is in English, and can be listened trough this link.
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Articles ● English
Articles ● English
Flauta doce nas escolas
Sempre que vejo boas performances usando a flauta doce, me questiono sobre a minha prática e sobre o que posso fazer ainda melhor. Muitos irão dizer que as coisas são diferentes nos países orientais, mas eu respondo com outras perguntas: O que é diferente? Será que as crianças são diferentes? Será que os professores são diferentes? Ou será que a postura dos professores é diferente?
O trabalho de flauta doce em escolas regulares pode ser feito com qualidade, basta que o professor tenha objetivos claros, e saiba usar as ferramentas didáticas corretamente.
Esta é a orquestra de flauta doce da escola primária de Taichung, em Taiwan. Estes não são alunos de escolas de música, mas de uma escola regular com aulas de música.
O que podemos fazer para mudar a situação no Brasil, e alcançar resultados como os apresentados no vídeo?
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Dicas para escolher o melhor professor
