Original post: https://www.revoicemagazine.com/issue-4/2017/4/25/review-quinta-essentias-art-of-fugue
We were delighted to receive leading Brazilian recorder quartet Quinta Essentia’s latest CD for review in this issue. Summer Alp, a final-year undergraduate student of recorder and baroque oboe at the Royal College of Music in London, reviews the disc for us here...
Quinta Essentia is Brazil’s premier recorder quartet. This is their third recording since forming ten years ago (previous discs are ‘La Marca’ in 2008 and ‘Falando Brasileiro’ in 2013), and only the second ever recording of J. S. Bach’s Art of Fugue on recorders (the first is from the Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet in 1998).
The recorder consort is uniquely placed to perform this work, which famously does not specify instrumentation. Previous performances and recordin - Leia mais...
English ● Review
Tag: Bach
Original post: https://www.hraudio.net/showmusic.php?title=12163&showall=1
Review by Adrian Quanjer - March 12, 2017
This is special in a number of ways. The most obvious one is: more than 81 minutes of recorded sound against 80 minutes said to be the maximum for the CD layer. However, a more important one pertains to the choice of instruments.
Before going into that, it’s perhaps useful to realize, though scholars do not agree, what ‘The Art of the Fugue’ is about; what was Bach’s purpose? It is illuminating that Bach did not write the variations for a specific instrument. They were written in so called ‘open score’. This was not uncommon in those days, as long as it gives at - Leia mais...
English ● Review
English ● Review
America Tour: Review at NEIU Independent
In May and June 2016, Quinta Essentia toured over United States passing over 8 cities in 5 states. There were 7 concerts, and its members offered 8 masterclasses and a speech, also participating at the SAA Conference in Minneapolis and the Whitewater Early Music Festival.
About the concert at Northeastern Illinois University in the Jewel Box Series, Quinta Essentia received the review by the NEIU Independent, transcribed below:
Recording Bach: Quinta Essentia Jewel Box
Original article: http://neiuindependent.org/5875/arts-life/recording-bach-quinta-essentia-jewel-box/
Pablo Medina, Production Manager
May 25, 2016
I never hear enough recorder in my life. The same is most likely true for many people, even in kindergarten and music appreciation classes.
The Quinta Essentia Quartet from Brazil made that statement truer with their strong perfor - Leia mais...
English ● Review
English ● Review